ISBN 9780870710322 (ebook)
Never Leaving Laramie
John W. Haines
John Haines spent the better part of the 1980s and 1990s traveling the world: biking through Tibet, kayaking the length of the Niger River, taking the Trans-Siberian Express from Beijing to East Berlin. Various friends and compatriots—frequently from his hometown of Laramie, Wyoming—accompanied Haines on his trips. In 1999, everything changed. While leaping from a moving train in the Czech Republic—something he’d done many times in many places—Haines fell and broke his neck. Damage to his spine left him without use of his legs and radically changed his life.
In the years since, Haines has added writer to a resume that already included baker and banker. In Never Leaving Laramie, he pulls stories about traveling into an exploration of home: How a rural home fueled and sustained a world view. How beauty and danger blend together with humility and ego. How itchy feet combine with the comfort of home in Laramie, a tough railroad town turned college town and a launch pad for wanderers. Throughout, Haines returns to ideas of rivers and movement. He ends with a chapter on a different kind of travel, reflecting on how his accident did and did not change him and the different ways that people can move through the world.
About the author JOHN W. HAINES led the domestic work of the global relief and development agency Mercy Corps for 15 years. He founded and directs the Community Investment Trust, a path to build community ownership of commercial real estate (investcit.com). Never Leaving Laramie is his first book.
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