
24 Results

The Jackson County Rebellion

The Jackson County Rebellion explores a dramatic if little-known populist insurgency that captured national attention as it played out in rural Oregon. Jeffrey LaLande traces...

| paperback | $29.95

Dead Wood

The West is full of magnificent trees: mighty spruces, towering cedars, and stout firs. We are used to appreciating trees during their glory years, but...

| paperback | $22.95

White Poplar, Black Locust

Growing up in one of the West’s last company lumber towns, a small community called Hilt on the California-Oregon border, Louise Wagenknecht witnessed the dying...

| paperback | $24.95

Shadows on the Klamath

In 1973, Louise Wagenknecht was just another college graduate, but unlike many, she wanted to go home, back to the Klamath Mountains where she was...

| paperback | $24.95

The Ground at My Feet

Oregon Book Award Finalist Ann Stinson grew up on her family’s tree farm in southwestern Washington state, on a ridge above the Cowlitz River. After...

| paperback | $21.95

All the Leavings

Oregon Book Award Finalist In All the Leavings, Laurie Easter deftly navigates both the rugged terrain of the human heart and life on the edge...

| paperback | $19.95

The Environmental Politics & Policy of Western Public Lands

The management of public lands in the West is a matter of long-standing and often contentious debates. The government must balance the interests of a...

| paperback | $34.95

Struggle on the North Santiam

A sixty-mile forested corridor stretching from the Willamette Valley to the Cascade mountains, Oregon’s North Santiam Canyon is like many other marginalized places in the...

| paperback | $29.95

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