
87 Results

Black Woman in Green

From an unlikely beginning as an agency transcriptionist in her hometown of Washington, DC, Gloria Brown became the first African American woman to attain the...

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The Mountains of Paris

Foreword Indies Award Finalist Living in Paris for a winter and a spring and waking each morning to a view of Notre Dame, David Oates...

| paperback | $22.95

Catch and Release

In 1974, at the age of thirty-two, Les AuCoin became the first Democrat to win a US House seat in Oregon’s First District. He was...

| paperback | $24.95

The Eclipse I Call Father

In The Eclipse I Call Father: Essays on Absence, David Axelrod recalls a balmy night in May 1970 when he vowed to allow no one...

| paperback | $21.95

Raw Material

Follow a sweater with an “Italian Merino” label back far enough and chances are its life began not in Milan, but in Montana. Many people...

| paperback | $18.95

Beginner's Luck

In the late 1960s, Malcolm Terence left his job as a reporter for the Los Angeles Times to look for adventure and may have found...

| paperback | $19.95


Undercurrents recounts the life and career of John Byrne, who started as a geologist at an oil company and retired as president of a major...

| paperback | $35.00

Where the Wind Dreams of Staying

In his powerful memoir Where the Wind Dreams of Staying, Eric Dieterle captures the emotional storms of a boy, and then a man, who seeks...

| paperback | $18.95

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